Good governance in Academy Trusts is fundamental to their success. This Code is intended for use by Academy Trusts in England. It is expected that the primary users of the Code will be all those whose roles engage with Academy Trust governance. The Code’s principles, rationale and outcomes are universal and apply equally to all Academy Trusts, whatever their size, structure, religious or sponsorship arrangements.
The Academy Trust Governance Code draws extensively on the Charity Governance Code. This is because Academy Trusts are charities, albeit exempt charities regulated by the Secretary of State for Education. The Academy Trust Governance Code could not have been developed without the work done by the steering group responsible for the Charity Governance Code and we are extremely grateful to them. Academy Trusts operate in a particular legislative and regulatory environment and have some features that make them distinct from other types of charities. This is why we have developed an Academy Trust Governance Code.
The Academy Trust Governance Code is a voluntary sector-led code. There is therefore no compulsion or requirement to use the Code, but we recommend it as good practice. If your trust is currently using the Charity Governance Code, you can move to the new Academy Trust Governance Code in your own time.
Academy Trusts are exempt charities and therefore have charitable Objects and must apply them as specified in the Academy Trust’s Articles of Association. As an Exempt Charity, Academy Trusts are not directly regulated by the Charity Commission. The Secretary of State for Education is designated as the Principal Regulator under the Charities Act 2011.
All Academy Trusts are also companies limited by guarantee and therefore subject to company law and specifically to the provisions of the Companies Act 2006. Within the framework of the Companies Act the Articles of Association for the Academy Trust form the constitution and governing document for the Academy Trust.
As Academy Trusts are established as exempt charities and companies limited by guarantee, Board members of the Academy Trust hold the dual roles of charity trustees and company directors and therefore have responsibilities under both charity and company law.
Legal Duties as Charity Trustees and Company Directors
In Voluntary Academies (i.e. Academies with a Foundation) the term ‘trustee’ refers to those holding the historic foundation and educational endowment on which the School is founded. Voluntary Academy Trusts (including Church Academy Trusts) therefore refer to their Academy Trustees as Directors. To avoid confusion, this Code will also refer to Academy Trustees as ‘Directors,’ since everyone who is an Academy Trustee is also a company director, regardless of the status of the Academy Trust. Voluntary Academies make up approximately one-third of the sector. They are mainly Church Academies, as well as some other Academies with a religious foundation, and a small number founded by non-religious charities.
An overview of the legal duties of charity trustees and company directors is set out below:
Board’s functions under education legislation | Duties under charity, case and common law (as charity trustees) | Duties under Companies Act 2006 (as company directors) |
Directors must be registered at Companies House.