Welcome to the Academy Trust Governance Code website
A voluntary code for academy trusts in England
The Academy Trust Governance Code is a voluntary code that draws upon the Charity Governance Code and relevant Department for Education guidance.
It sets out the principles, desired outcomes, and recommended practice for effective governance.
The Code is intended to be a tool for continuous improvement in Academy Trust governance and it is hoped that all Academy Trusts will aspire to meet all aspects of the code over time.
The Code has been developed by a steering group on behalf of the academy trust sector. The partners listed below have pledged to help increase the impact of the code by promoting and embedding it in their work.
Downloadable copy of the Code
A PDF copy of the Code is available to download. We recommend referring to the online version wherever possible to ensure you are using the latest text.
Code impact partners
- Browne Jacobson
- Catholic Education Service
- Chartered College of Teaching
- Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland
- Church of England Education Office
- Confederation of School Trusts
- Edurio
- GovernorHub
- Institute of School Business Leadership
- National Governance Association
- Stone King LLP Solicitors
- Trust Governance Professionals